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All Mason Bee products are made in South Surrey in my small workshop. The homes are made from cedar or spruce and are glued and nailed, therefore they are very sturdy.


The Mason Bee Farmhouse accommodates 56 nesting condos and is best suited for the average homeowner and their immediate neighbours for all their pollination needs.


All nesting blocks are very easy to separate to give you easy access for harvesting the cocoons, and removing all predators and destroying them.


The nesting blocks are colour-coded to colours that the Mason Bees can see to help them find their proper location. The spruce nesting blocks are untreated for the Mason Bee safety, therefore they should not be exposed to rain or cleaned with water.


This block entertains 56 nesting condos.

Mason Bee Farmhouse - 56 Condo


    © 2021 by The Mason Bee Company

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